Enacting the Vision of CTR
CTR is a highly-intentional, self-correcting, self-expanding, self-organizing, self-regulating technology platform that measures and expands global levels of human consciousness.
CTR Group of Companies have spent over a decade running HFT ads compiling rich data and actionable insights into consumption. We have shifted our focus from extracting value towards deeply understanding behaviour through our compiled BIG data and we are using that to empower and measure impact by taking advantage of AI and machine learning.
Following the launching of Conscious Thought Revolution, ongoing conversations shaped the concept of CTR and how best to leverage the network and desires of people to make impact in a positive way. The focus turned to some of the doors that had been opened. People wanted to use their money for good, and there really wasn’t a lot to pool and focus that capital into meaningful impact. Culminating by the partners starting a Venture Capital company.